All posts by Greg Kenyon

IVF – And the Image of God

Why would I write on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and the image of God. The bible teaches that mankind are made in the image of God.  In Genesis 1:27 it says, “God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” God created them, both male and female in His Image.  In Genesis 1:26 God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.”  The bible teaches that there is only one true God. … Read the rest

IVF – Possible Where Abortion Accepted

To date In Vitro Fertilization involves the destruction of tiny human beings.  Conception (the joining of the egg and the sperm) occurs in a glass dish.  For each successful pregnancy, many conceived human lives are lost along the way.  This means that for a doctors to become involved in IVF that they need to live with their involvement in the destruction of early tiny humans.

How is it possible for a doctors to arrive at the point where they would be willing to involve themselves in such destruction of tiny human beings? … Read the rest

IVF – Babies’ Hostile Beginnings

Compare the natural way of procreation to In Vitro Fertilization’s way of reproduction.

In the natural process of having babies a husband loves his wife, the wife submits to the advances of her husband and they share an intimate sexual union that results in the conception of a loved child in the supportive environment of the mothers fallopian tube and then in her womb.  This child is with the mother from the very beginning, nurtured by the mother’s very life blood.… Read the rest

IVF – Organ Donation – Asking Difficult Questions

With issues like In Vitro Fertilization, vital organ transplantation, and genetic manipulation,  it is tempting to focus on the outcome, of a beautiful healthy baby, of a child revived to life or of avoiding having a child with life long illness.  In spite of questions about the technology, the Lord has certainly answered much prayer.  The Lord, the author of life, is one who gives life to a beautiful baby.  The Lord, in whom we live and have our being, certainly, is the one who sustains the life of our child.  … Read the rest