Category Archives: Science

Science supports the word of god

In the recent past I completed two blog posts, each beginning with “Science Supports…” One posting,, showing how science supports the biblical teaching of ideal marriage being long term between one man and one women. The other,, showing how science supports the teaching that a man a women become one flesh through sexual relationship and by having children.

Does this leave you encouraged or surprised, encouraged that the teaching of the bible is supported by the exploration by science of the physical truth of this world, or surprised?… Read the rest

Science Supports – Biblical Truth About – Two Becoming One Flesh

My post, Science Supports Biblical Marriage, presents scientific evidence that one man married to one woman is associated with better pregnancy outcomes, where repeated sexual intercourse between husband and wife brings about change in the women such that her womb is a safer place for their babies. Now there is science which provides interesting evidence  supporting the Biblical teaching of husband and wife becoming one.

It has been discovered that when a women carries a child in her womb, some of the child’s DNA crosses through the placenta[1] and becomes a more or less permanent part of the the woman’s DNA.… Read the rest

Science Supports Biblical Marriage

The science of preeclampsia, a serious life threatening medical condition of pregnancy, supports the idea of Biblical marriage.[1]

Preeclampsia is a type of pregnancy induced hypertension (high blood pressure) that can quickly lead to organ damage in the mother, and even death of the baby and/or mother.

A number of studies show that pregnancies in women who have had longer periods of exposure to the baby’s father’s sperm, before getting pregnant, are less likely to develop preeclampsia, compared to women who get pregnant in a short term relationships.… Read the rest