Category Archives: I Believe

A place to discussion believes about life, about God and Mankind.

I Believe – True Faith, Comfort in the Shadow of Death

In my last blog posting titled I Believe – God’s Goodness Shining in Sadness I shared about my daughter’s cancer and said I would try to post an update soon.

Humanly speaking, when a loved one’s illness moves from hope of recovery, to hope for at least some quality time, to that of end stage palliative care, what does one say?  What title does one use on a blog posting?  Can one still talk of God’s goodness?   As of this week, my daughter is end stage palliative with brain cancer. … Read the rest

I Believe – God’s Goodness Shining in Sadness.

This post is a bit different than many of my posts as in it I share some personal details of my life.  All my posts are personal in that I write what I believe to be true.  I hope this experience helps you see the goodness of God shining through difficult and sad circumstances.

One year ago, our daughter, Holly, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Holly is the mother of our young grandchild and is married to Jeff.  Initially, there was hope and prayer and surgery. … Read the rest

I Believe – Comfort in Life and Death

Where do we find comfort in life and in death?  Is not a search for this comfort at least part of what is involved  in activities like organ donation, invito fertilization, writing a living will and in considering euthanasia?

We often treat dying like an enemy to be avoided and battled against.  If we are told that one of our vital organs is failing and our death will result unless we get a transplant, then it makes sense that we seek comfort in the possibility of a transplant. … Read the rest

My Beliefs – First Attempt

This is the first attempt on my blog at describing my beliefs about life

My beliefs about life are Christian.  By Christian, I mean, that my beliefs are based on the Holy Bible, that is traditionally used by the Christian church.

One’s beliefs about life or one’s view of reality can be described in terms of three questions which are: What is the nature of reality? What is the nature of knowledge? And what is the nature of morality or right and wrong?… Read the rest