Does this leave you encouraged or surprised, encouraged that the teaching of the bible is supported by the exploration by science of the physical truth of this world, or surprised?… Read the rest
Note: This posting uses the Biblical Essay titled, The Value and Dignity of Human Life, by Chee-Chiew Lee, as she has made a reasonable attempt at summarizing what the Bible says about the worth of persons.[1]
The idea of a meaningful or worthwhile life has become an important consideration in medical decisions. When a patient has a severe head injury or stroke, it is not uncommon to hear, as part of decision making, “he/she will never return to a meaningful life.” … Read the rest
In this post, I began by suggesting there was a similarity between the Holocaust of WWII, the killing of unborn by abortion, and now the killing of sick and suffering. I also quoted Martin Luther as an example of following one’s conscience, in spite of great risk of personal harm.[1] Although, I think Martin Luther’s stand against the organized church of his day had merit, I think my choice of examples was poor.… Read the rest
The experience of my daughter, Holly, dying recently has led me to think more about grief, Many well meaning people suggest that grieving is something needs to take place, to be allowed to run its course, and in some way we should not be to concerned or worried about redirecting it. Is this true? Can grief go wrong? As I observe the grieving of my family, I find myself asking, are they OK? Do they need help? What direction should be given? … Read the rest
Worldview and Ethical Issues from a Biblical Perspective