Category Archives: Alternative Medicine

Comments of the ethics of alternative medicine. By alternative medicine I mean therapies and medications that are other than conventional Western medicine.

Alternative Medicine – and the Supernatural

Before moving on and looking at what kind of evidence demonstrates that a particular therapy really does something, it is important to consider the supernatural.  According to the Bible, some things, including healing, can happen by supernatural means.

By the supernatural, I am referring to things that happen independent of the normal physical laws of nature.  Biblically, supernatural happenings are due to the involvement of the spirit world.

Considering the supernatural is important because there are some alternative therapies like “Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, reflexology, Deepa Chopra’s Aryvedic medicine, Larry Dossey’s healing words and many others”1 with non-Christian spiritual beliefs underlying them.  … Read the rest

Alternative Medicine – Placebo Effect

In my blog posting, titled Alternative Medicine – Important Questions,  I commented on how alternative therapies are becoming increasingly common. All therapies can be divided into three groups, those that are beneficial, those that really do nothing, other than costing time and money, and those that cause harm. With respect to seeking out advice on alternative therapies I ask the questions, “Is the advice good?” and “How do we decide?”  Then in my blog posting, titled Alternative Medicine – Testimonials Natural History and Secondary Gain, recognizing many seek out evidence a therapy may work before embracing it, I looked at testimonials. … Read the rest

Alternative Medicine – Resources – George S.

So far, I hope that my blog postings on alternative medicine have encouraged Christians to ask good questions and seek out information, like the strength of the evidence supporting therapies that are being considered or used.  It is likely that some readers feel like they need to learn about a specific therapy as soon as possible.  As indicated in my blog posting titled Alternative Medicine – Foundations Are Important, it may be a while before I get to specific therapies.  … Read the rest

Alternative Medicine – Foundations Are Important

Since starting to post on alternative medicines, someone has asked me to comment on acupuncture.  Of course, I have thoughts about acupuncture but I believe it is better to work at building a foundation for thinking about “alternative medicines.”  I hope with a foundation of thought that people can ask good questions and seek out true answers and will be better able to make good decisions when faced with involvement with the variety of therapies (traditional western and alternative) they  will likely be faced with in life..… Read the rest