All posts by Greg Kenyon

Organ Donation – Are Christians Inconsistent?

Recently I read a blog post by Christopher Bogosh[1] titled Fetal Body Parts, Brain-Dead Donors, and inconsistent Christians.[2]  He writes,

While Christians are irate when it comes to abortion and fetal body parts, they are peculiarly silent when it comes to harvesting organs from brain-dead organ donors—Christians are gravely inconsistent concerning this matter.

Is this true that many Christians’ beliefs are inconsistent when it comes to their approach to organ donation?

Included in the argument Christopher writes,

If life begins at conception, or when the blastocyst attaches to the uterine wall, then life starts five to six weeks before the neurological system and brain develops.

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End of Life – Biblical Grief?

The experience of my daughter, Holly, dying recently has led me to think more about grief,  Many well meaning people suggest that grieving is something needs to take place, to be allowed to run its course, and in some way we should not be to concerned or worried about redirecting it.  Is this true?  Can grief go wrong?  As I observe the grieving of my family,  I find myself asking, are they OK?  Do they need help?  What direction should be given? … Read the rest

IVF – Political Opposition

Those who have read through my posts related to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), will likely conclude that I have concerns about its use.  In my posting, IVF – Be Informed, after giving a basic description of what happens in IVF, I post the question, “Should we head down such a path or recommend it to others?”

Recently LifeSiteNews reported on the passing of a law that provides the Polish Government’s answer to this question.  LifeSite News reports on IVF law in Poland (Dec 7, 2015)

In this LifeSiteNews article Steve Weatherbe reports,

Health Minister Konstanty Radziwill told a parliamentary committee last week that the government wanted to address the issue of procreation with a broader program…“We are glad no more taxpayers’ money will be spent on this,” Dzierzawski said.

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I Believe – Taste and See the Lord is Good

In the post titled A change of Life, A most comforting Eulogy I shared how our daughter, Holly, in the death of her earthly body, has been given the opportunity to say, “taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Psalm 38:4)  I hope it left you with a desire to say this as well.

I promised to follow with a short post on how to begin to taste and see that the Lord is good.  This I found was not an easy task. … Read the rest