All posts by Greg Kenyon

I Believe – A Confession, A Clarification

I am compelled to comment on my recent blog posting, Assisted Death – Conscience Rights, Bystanders & Responsibility.

In this post, I began by suggesting there was a similarity between the Holocaust of WWII, the killing of unborn by abortion, and now the killing of sick and suffering.  I also quoted Martin Luther as an example of following one’s conscience, in spite of great risk of personal harm.[1]  Although, I think Martin Luther’s stand against the organized church of his day had merit, I think my choice of examples was poor.… Read the rest

Assisted Death – Normalizing Killing In Palliative Care

According to the  World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition

Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual. Palliative care…affirms life and regards dying as a normal process…intends neither to hasten or postpone death…. [1]

Traditional palliative care provides assistance to the dying, without being overly concerned that one’s attempts to minimize distress may lead to an earlier death.… Read the rest

Assisted Death – Is It Really Such A Big Deal?

Yesterday the Canadian government introduced legislation to legalize doctor assisted suicide.  One commentary said, “if passed, this would allow some Canadians to kill others, with support of the state.” Christians are saying we may not cross this sacred line, for human life may not be violated. How alarmed or upset should we be about this development? Are we really crossing a sacred line?

I take it this will be the first time that federal law will support some Canadians killing others,  where the Bible instructs them not to kill.… Read the rest

Health – Smoking, Is It Such a Big Deal?

The following is an essay I wrote that is published in the Spring, 2016 issue of The Youth Messenger, a publication of the Free Reformed Churches of North America.  Reprinted here with permission.

Is It Such A Big Deal?

A comment on smoking in the Youth Messenger on the topic of health is not that surprising.  It is common knowledge that smoking is bad for your health.  A good message is to avoid it, but it is not that simple. … Read the rest